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cheap laser cutter/engraver

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 3:39 am
by RodrickMt
I have looked through the forum and I can't find the info I am looking for so I hope someone can help me on here easily.
I am looking for an inexpensive laser cutter/engraver that needs to do the following:

Engrave glass coasters
Engrave river stones (this is important as its key to its use for me, the stones aren't completely flat so don't know how this affects the marking)
Engrave the metal band on USB sticks. I assume these are coated and therefore a regular machine will handle the marking. I don't need to cut metal.

I have no experience of laser cutting, but from a business perspective I have some work lined up that could help pay for the machine.
I don't have a hell of a lot of cash to spend on a machine, so cheaper is better.

Can anyone offer any advice, or is there anyone local in NZ who has a machine that can chat about it and provide me with some information

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Re: cheap laser cutter/engraver

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 3:40 am
by Ijzuiulvv
I have spent a day watching a ton of video's and i believe i would like the following features:

Ability to line up the business end with a laser pointer
Replacement cooler - like a K3000 as a bucket of water doesn't seem like a good plan approx $300
Air assist - to keep the item being cut cooler
Speed control - I gather this isn't available on the cheaper units without modification
Control over multiple formats - lower end units only seem to work with the Moshi or similar software. Support for more maintream software would be better.
Auto height adjustment - not really a requirement but a nice to have.

I hope this provides a better picture of what i am looking for.

Re: cheap laser cutter/engraver

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 3:43 am
by alufnino
OK thanks for testing that. I heard from someone that the guy that originally produced that rock in my picture had to do 8 passed to get it marked to that depth but i don't have any additional info. Possibly Cermark or something similar was used to get a better cut? That could explain the black colouring where the letters are.
From your expert opinion now you have interacted with an ERPR do you have any thoughts about what is would take to make more of a mark on it? Higher power laser i am guessing?