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Prolong tube lifetime by max. 80% power - evidence?

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 12:46 pm
by ventilator

I often hear that you can prolong the lifetime of your CO2 laser tube if you never use it at 100% power but limit the usage to 80%.

Is there any evidence for that claim?
How many hours longer does that give you?
Did any manufacturer some tests on that?

We are talking about 80W CO2 lasers, especially a Thunderlaser NOVA 35.

Re: Prolong tube lifetime by max. 80% power - evidence?

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 2:11 am
by Ben
As we know that,the 80w laser tube work with a 80w laser power supply.
And for 80w laser tube,the max current is 25mA,run as this current,the 80W laser tube will get its max power,and if we run above 25mA,only current rise but not power,even the power rises,it's just a little,which is not good for both laser tube and laser power supply.
On machine,we run on power 80%,the current is almost 25mA,so it's not necessary to set more than 80%,cause the power of laser tube will not be increased much more.