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Re: What laser to choose

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2024 5:04 am
by jgarciaa
Given your requirements and budget, I highly recommend considering Monport lasers for your needs. Monport offers a range of high-quality laser engraving and cutting machines that are suitable for a variety of materials, including wood, acrylic, leather, plastic, and paper. Their machines are known for their precision, fine detailed cuts, and versatility. Additionally, Monport offers desktop models that are compact and low-noise, making them suitable for apartment use. With a budget of 5000 euros, you can find a suitable Monport laser that meets your requirements. I suggest exploring their product range ... ka374VZjm3 to find the perfect machine for your needs. With Monport, you can expect ease of use, high quality, and affordability, making it the right choice for your laser cutting and engraving endeavors.